Saturday, January 4, 2014

Saturday, January 4, 2014 In the boatyard

Dinghy is now put together and raised. The rub rails are now varnished. Of course it’s rained on and off since Wayne finished varnishing them (I think it’s an Aben thing).  He reattached the wiring on the buffer so it’s working again and he’ll finish buffing the sides tomorrow.  I downloaded some pictures from the camera and read some of the book - Eye of the Tiger by Wilber Smith. It’s a good read but I’ll have to finish it tomorrow. It’s getting late in the day. The winds are picking up and it keeps sprinkling on and off – just to make me close everything up and then re-open everything. It’s like the weather is saying na-na-na-nahhh-nahhhhh – playing with me, peek-a-boo - like with a little kid.   Went to the store and got some shrimp, bread, bug spray, coffee and a few other miscellaneous items. The marina is rather sedate this weekend, especially after the last one. I suppose we could have gone into the water with no problem yesterday but it sure seemed like they were filled to the brim in the morning…  I think its chicken salad, salad and crackers for dinner tonight. We’ll have the shrimp tomorrow.

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