Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Launch Day!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012 Launch Day!!!
Well got ready for our launch then headed to the office to wait for Desney. My buddy that likes to follow me around the boatyard came by and said good morning as we were sitting waiting for Des to get in. Then he came back by again and wanted to take my hand. I just don’t understand his fixation with me - Especially with Wayne sitting right next to me, shoulder to shoulder. He totally ignored Wayne. I did get to observe him as he was walking away again and wasn’t pleased to see a sharp knife sticking out of his back pocket. I see him sometimes arguing with himself and hope it’s not about using that knife on someone. Also it looks like his bracelets are some kind of metal clamp type things that he can tighten or remove with screws and wires (like U-clamps or brackets).
The Con-a-lift manuvering to get our boat between a hurricane pit and another boat behind us.
We are officially water-borne again. It was really neat to watch how they have a self-powered trailer lift (a Con-a-lift) that they can maneuver into the tight quarters that the boats are stored in. I was amazed to see them manage to move it in diagonally, swing around another boat and hurricane pit in order to get the contraption under our boat and lift it off the jack stands to move it to the travel lift area so that the travel lift could pick us up and put us in the water.
In the boatyard - next to Aurora. You could actually walk across from boat to boat (we didn't though)

Yep a tight fit, but he got us out diagonally between the pit and the boat behind us...

here you can see the tight fit going between the boat and the hurricane pit... These guys are SKILLED!!!

and.... into the travel lift and down into the water!  We're now afloat!
No water entered the boat as she was lowered. Good…
Engine started right up… Good…
Water coming out of the engine on startup… Check…
We were turned loose to head for our slip…
Wayne maneuvered us and I managed the lines this time and fenders.
All tied into our slip and at the push of the button…nothing happened.
The kill switch still doesn’t work (but why would it – it wasn’t fixed yet).
After getting situated we headed to the marina office to sign in and are now below deck, swaying in the water and waiting for the heat of the day to die down so we can put a sail up.
Wayne’s napping and I’m using the quiet time for some computer time. Hmmm it'll be dark in a bit...I'm thinking the sails may have to wait for tomorrow...

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