Monday, February 27, 2012

Monday, February 27, 2012 Black point Settlement, Great Guana Cay

The winds were roaring last night. So much so that the wind generator started doing it’s ripping, winding sound of metal rattling on metal and vibrating through the boat causing me to grit my teeth again.
Off it went for the night....
Ahhhh blissful sleep...

This morning, I loaded up all the garbage, collected Wayne's computer (it’s smaller) and we got the dinghy over to the government dock. It was a bit choppy out and needless to say we got a little wet crossing the bay over to town. But it was worth it...

A view of Black Point Harbor
It always feels comfortable walking into Loraine’s Café. Her face lights up when she sees me and I love saying hello to her. Joshua is running all over the place now and we told her we were waiting for a couple of friends before ordering. I plugged the computer in and it was just starting up when Mary & Axel got there. So it was bill paying time and checking out the weather. We ordered hamburgers and actually got rather large sausage burgers – different… but I guess that puts the “ham” in hamburger… Afterwards, we went for a walk to Regatta Park.

Regatta Park
Mary tried to get a phone card at the store but it looked like it might not be compatible with her phone… oh oh… It started looking like rain so we all headed back to the boats. It still hasn’t rained but what a lovely sunset.

Black Point Police Station

annnnd the Jail right next to the Police Station
I found out that Eric Campell is leaving JHS before the school year finishes and that Barb has been looking for me to fill in until the end of the school year. Wow. I would so love to do that. It’s a little difficult though considering where I am. I wish it were in late April that she needed me… There’s no way I can be back there by next week. The joys of leaving a position you love to do something else that you've always wanted to do...

Mary, Wayne, Axel walking around Black Point (me behind the camera of course)

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