Monday, January 24, 2011

Marina at Emerald Bay

Monday, January 24, 2011

It was a long day of laundry and exploring. I couldn’t sleep so was doing laundry at 6:30am then checking out the facilities. I love their coffee and tea here, mmmmm… I think I probably had too much and had a sour stomach most the afternoon. Mary Clare and I walked to the end of the beach then to the store to see where the ATM, and grocery store was. It’s interesting – the bank is closed but the ATM there still functions.

Axel had a mechanic come to the boat to see if the surge problem could be fixed. It looks like it might be the governor and they’re talking about how and where to get one. Mary Clare is hoping that she can contact her friend to bring one. It’s unknown as to who is going where and when right now. I find it kind of disconcerting. Marijka and Harry are going to be taking off but from Long Island or Rum Cay – I’m unsure, they’re not sure. Mary & Axel may be staying here to wait for her friend, then they’re not sure if they’ll be going to Long Island or not. Blue Pearl has been here for quite awhile and they are ready to move on, and me… I just don’t know! I want to head to Long Island and the tropic of Cancer. Whether we go to Georgetown first or not – I don’t really care. It would have been nice to make the trip to the Tropic line with Blue Pearl and Azaya – but now I don’t know if this is something we will share as a first together or not. We may be on our own again (pouting here). It would be sweeter with friends but I can understand if it doesn’t happen. When you have people coming in to visit, there’s sometimes a parting of ways. If it happens, hopefully we’ll meet up again : ) I enjoyed our travels together with Azaya and Aurora. Maybe someday we’ll run into our Holland friends again either in Holland or France.

We had drinks over on Blue Pearl and everyone seems not to want to talk about plans right now. Everyone is unsure. I guess we’ll wait and see. I always hate goodbyes…

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