Saturday, December 18, 2010

Splicing eyes & rings - Lake Worth Anchorage

Unbelievably good reception here for the broadband card! I love it! The winds are merrily generating electricity for my computer, I have Internet access, AND sometime during the middle of the night, I had a brain fart to use a coat hanger as a fid. As I went to retrieve a coat hanger, a fly swatter caught my eye, so I grabbed that. With a little bending I was able to flatten the handle and EUREKA, I was able to get the core of the rope through the casing and the casing through the core! My first braided splice - eye and ring! It looks like I’ll be able to make new lazy jacks! We measured the rope into equal halves and Wayne plotted measurements on a diagram of how the lazy jacks should look. Unfortunately with the weather, today is not conducive to going on deck and working on getting the line up to the blocks on the spreaders.
My first braided splice showing the eye and ring :)
It’s been raining on and off all day. Most of the boats are gone I’ve never seen this place so empty! I was catching rain and watching the storms roll in off the horizon. Beautiful! I used the rainwater to help clean up the cockpit areas that still had ash from the cane and if it keeps up, I’ll use any extra water for coffee and tea. The water in our tanks is hard water. I’m hoping to purge the tanks once over in the Bahamas and replace it with R.O. water.

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