We seem to be able to pick up Chris Parker on our hand radio receiver (with USSB capability). But it seems hit or miss pulling his frequency in on a consistent manner. We can pull him in on a frequency of 4045 between 7-8am when he answers calls from cruisers all over the Caribbean (wanting to know the weather and sea conditions for their particular areas). But the signal fades. We also can get the Cruiser’s net on a frequency of 6227 at 8:30am. It’s interesting to hear everyone calling in giving his or her new ports of call.
Speaking of which, we’re heading from Peck Lake to the Palm Beach/Lake Worth area this morning. Anchor up at 9A.M. and I believe we have 7-8 bridges to get through today.
More later.
I’d forgotten how much of a challenge it is to try and time the bridges, especially when there are 7-9 sailboats at different locations and the bridges want to hold up for everyone at the same time. I can understand the reasoning, but for the bridges that run on a schedule, we really got clogged up in a couple of areas and with some large power boats thrown in the mix along with strong winds and currents – it was a definite “stay alert” day! We did manage to get the anchor down around 2:30pm on the other side of Red #6. This isn’t far from the spot we anchored the last time we were here. Originally we were going to go around the other side of Peanut Island, but not knowing how long we’d be here we decided that the larger anchorage would be fine. The inlet here is a class A inlet so we really shouldn’t have a problem leaving in the dark (whenever we leave). Second Wind is here (the 40’ Bayfield from Vero Beach) and we had to wave hello! They’re heading down to Marathon so are going to love the NE winds to help them out. We on the other hand need to get rid of the Northerly component to the wind in order to cross the Gulf Stream (don’t want to be caught in a rage).
FlexTime pulled alongside of us a couple hours later and were talking about heading out tonight, but we weren’t comfortable with the NE winds. I think they said they might wait until tomorrow when the winds turn more E/SE. We’re vacillating on going tomorrow depending on the winds. We don’t want to be bucking into them all day and since we’re heading ESE, we need to see what the seas and strength of the wind are doing before we commit.Near the inlet there was a replica of the old SV Bounty. Wow!
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