Monday, January 25, 2010

Monday, January 25, 2010 Peck Lake, Fl

Wow, the weather sounds wacky today. Storms and straight line winds with possible Gale force winds at times; mix in some waterspouts and tornadoes and there’s our forecast for the day. It was windy last night and I didn’t sleep much once again.  I’m tired. I noticed, as I was making coffee, that the wind had switched to a more westerly direction and we were swinging closer to shore. After Wayne listened to the weather, he said we’d re-anchor later in the day. I was glad when he decided to re-anchor this morning.  After re-anchoring I made some cinnamon rolls and fruit for breakfast then finished reading “Plum Spooky”. Janet Evanovich has a way of making you chuckle – love her lighthearted books. I must confess I played on the computer for a while, and then made some salmon on onion roll sandwiches with salad for dinner.

The storm came roaring in with a vengeance. I had to hurry to get my water container out to catch some rainwater for my tea (the tank water from the boat doesn’t make very good tea). As I was putting my container out, I noticed the girl on the next boat over. She had run up on deck was washing her hair, then stripping down to her birthday suit and enjoying the cold shower. Her mate joined her but without the same abandon. He left his shorts on :) I can remember being young and uninhibited like that at one point in my life. It made me smile. I collected water and went below to get Wayne to come up and wash his hair in the rain too. It seemed like the deluge was over as fast and furious as it started. I was left with a vision of youthful spirits and rainwater tea :) Wayne was left with clean, fluffy hair.

Now I need to feed my bread starter before going to bed so I can make fresh bread tomorrow.
The picture is of a Royal Tern taken on one of our beach walks.

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