Well, I notice that each of my blog entries for a week have started out with cold weather. Well guess what? It’s still COLD
I can’t believe all the dead fish we’ve seen floating and on the bottom (in the shallows) in the ICW. I’ve been told it’s because the temperatures have dropped so low for so long now that it’s killing the fish. Someone was lamenting that you can’t even take the fish because you’ll end up paying big fines if you’re caught taking them – even if they’re dead! Does that make sense?
Now, how cold is it? Some boaters have reported ice on the ICW south of Jacksonville! ICE! While we’ve had it on the boat, the thought of playing icebreaker along the waterway is not appealing. At ALL… I guess when I see “flat water” I’d better start listening for that crunch crunching. I’ve not confirmed it but also heard that Jacksonville, FL also got snow. Maybe we should start heading north again for warmer temperatures LOL. 2009/2010 – the winter that Florida froze over… hope everyone stocked up on their Florida orange juice – don’t know if the crops can survive these consistent freezings.
The bread that I started making had a dickens of a time rising in this cold weather. I finally shifted the bread dough to the oven and turned the oven on periodically to let the dough rise. It still did not rise to my expectations but I did manage to get some bread made. We took a loaf over to Winfield Lash and then joined them and C:/
We checked with the marina before heading back to the boat and our grill was there. Holy smokes it’s bigger than our other one. Hope it fits on the mount… uhm, hope it fits on the stern railing. Time to hunker in for the night. The temps are dropping again.
The snuggies are being pack but I see its getting warmer now so hopefully they will just stay in the bottom of my bag.