Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunday, January 29, 2012 Another week down and a new one starting

This was a very busy week.

Let’s see…

We finished getting all the sails up, then I was able to finish up the sail cover for the main. I wanted to make sure that the cut outs for the lazy jacks actually matched up with the lazy jack fittings before putting the twist closures on and it. The closures took 2 days to put on.

We got our survey for the boat finished on Wednesday (1/25) and are pleased with the results we got back from Dennis (Advantage Yacht). So we contacted the insurance agent at Blue Water Insurance for the current rates and to see if anything had changed since his last quote. Hopefully we’ll have a new insurance carrier with lower rates. Then we can travel further than the Turks and Caicos.

The new connection to the microphone in the cockpit is now fixed.

The dingy motor is now in our possession again.

Unfortunately, Marine Max says it’s still flooding when in idle so we’re going to try and use it but not have it sit in idle. It’s yet to be tested but I’m not real comfortable with the idea of taking it out solo .

The good news is that they didn’t charge us an arm and a leg for looking at it and trying to fix it. Considering the fee for the mechanic is $110/hr in labor – I’m ecstatic over that. The number of hours they’ve had it, could have bought us a couple of new motors (whew!) for which they didn’t charge us. I think we’re going to give Dennis a call and see what outboards he has so we can look at them. Maybe he’ll have some news on our generator too that he took in for his mechanic to tune up. We were told we’d have it back by the end of the week (but Friday came and went with no news - oh oh?) so hopefully tomorrow we’ll hear something.

Friday also turned into date time. We went to the show (One for the Money) and had a burger at Duffy’s Sports Bar.

Did some provisioning and seems like we spent way to much this week. It has to be time to hit the water way. Hopefully this week we’ll be making our way once we get the generator back and find out the last details of the insurance. It looks like there might be a weather window to cross maybe this Thursday or Friday. Hopefully we’ll be in place and ready for it.

Yesterday as I was getting ready to take some potato salad over to the Saturday Potluck I noticed a rather large Motor Yacht hovering at the marina entrance by the name of Glorious Dei. They finally entered and I called to see if they were staying the night. They said that they’d been trying to hail the office but nobody was answering, and that they had reservations for the night along with another boat that was right behind them. I told them that Deb would be in around 9am tomorrow and they seemed to think it was kind of late. I mentioned that it was Sunday. “Oh Yah” was the response. Alex, Klaus and I helped to tie them up to the fuel dock. They asked if there was a restaurant nearby and Alex mentioned the BBQ here and I said just bring a dish. Nice looking couple. She said they were bringing the boat home (crossing the Okeechobee to the West side of the state) and it was kind of new to them. They’d had it about a little over a week now and this was the first time they had moved the boat by themselves. She was kind of nervous about it, and he went down to check on something with the engine. I wish I’d gotten their names, because after they’d left this morning and Deb got in, I asked her if they’d paid in advance, because I’d noticed they’d left early, or if their friends in the mast-less catamaran paid for them when they left? She didn’t show any record of them calling for a reservation. Why is it that these people come in, park it and take off without paying like this!!!! Then it was like a slap in the face that we’d even helped them tie up, and to top it off, they shared our meal with us without contributing anything or even leaving a tip for Moose! Gee… With a boat almost twice our size and gerth, you’d think that they could at least pay for their bill…

They seemed so nice too. If anyone see’s the Yacht Glorious Dei – tell them they have a debt to pay yet whether in actuality or in bad Karma… Doubt they believe in karma though.

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