Sunday, January 1, 2012

December 31, 2011 The end of an old year...

I’m not sure how the last year got away from me but going back to my blog I noticed that my last entry was January 2011. Yikes! Somehow I never got back to it and here it’s about to become January of 2012!!! Okay…. New Year’s Resolution #1… Keep up with my journal this new and coming year. It might not be every day, but I’m resolving to keep up with it! While I’m at it, I’ll try and post items when I can to flush in the missing parts of 2011… Hopefully it won’t be too confusing.

This past year seemed to zoom by me in a blur! New recipes, conch horns, sea beans, shells, and sand; new friends, old friends, relatives, and deaths… I have to keep reminding myself that death is the outcome of life, and life is never clean-cut or always easy… sometimes it can be hard and downright painful. I think that’s how it gives you a reminder that you’re alive and to live your life. You’re the only one that can. Each one of us is responsible for living our own life and becoming the person we want to be. I find that I often wonder if either of my parents was ever proud of me or the woman that I’d turned into. You really can't control what others think so... I’ll never really know. Somebody once said that “Each day is a gift”. And, so it is.

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