Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wednesday, January 11, 2012 LIFE in THE BoAtYaRd....

We have storm warnings up for today. Got up to cloudy gray skies and made coffee using the water from the boat. We filter the water going into the boat and now have an under the sink filter on the cold water tap. The water tastes okay but seems to react with the coffee and cream so that it looks like it’s forming a pudding skin on the top. Not to appetizing looking. Tastes okay, just don’t look at it I guess. I don’t understand what is causing it to do that. It has Wayne wondering what he has to do to get decent water on the boat too.

I figured I’d better get myself down the ladder and to the office before the guys showed up with the boatlift to put us in the water. When I got there they were going over the launch schedule. It looks like they’ve already got 8-9 boats lined up to go into the water on Friday. We were put at the end of the list. So if we don’t get launced Friday, then it will be on Monday (I wonder how many dock hands are taking bets on this). Dock space is at a premium so I think they’d like it better if we went in Monday. Erik came into the office right on cue and I said “It’s Erik’s fault we keep getting backed up. He keeps forgetting about us”.
“Now, no I don’t! Everything is backed up with Jesse out. He has my mechanic driving the boat lift!”
Uh huh… sure Erik…
“By the way… Pat keeps coming by to pet my puppy!”

That soooo doesn’t sound right the way he says it…
But yep, I do. He has a cute little mutt that he’d rescued and I like to bop in to the boat yard office and give her some pets and coo at her. I think he’s just jealous because I come in saying “Hi Baby” and I’m talking to the dog…
Yesterday I caught myself doing it again. I went in rubbing her head saying “Hi baby! How are you today” in my doggie cooing voice. Then caught myself and said oops. Hi Erik, how are you today?” Laughing.
He just shook his head at me and said “fine”.
Well today in the office he said “well that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!”
“Pat keeps petting my puppy…”


The office is notified that (yet again) we’re not ready.
Erik knows we’re still waiting for his mechanic.
I’ve got to stop going into the office to pet his puppy.
Time to head back to the boat…
So begins another day in the boatyard.

When I got back to the boat and down the companionway, Wayne was sitting there drinking coffee.
I got the one eyed, Good Morning from him and gave him a good morning back. LOL

Let the day begin…

We got the wifi down that we put up on the wind generator yesterday.
Stairs are varnished and back up on the the boat.
The rust has been removed from the BBQ and put on the rail.
The wiring to the wind generator hooked back up.

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