Thursday, February 11, 2010

Wednesday, February 10, 2010 West End, Grand Bahamas

Wow. Good winds last night and today. We’ve had some sustained winds in the 30s and some gale force today. I’m not sure what size some of the gusts were! Mary and I walked out to the rock jetty and a couple of times it felt like I was really fighting the winds and getting sand blasted!

Wayne was trying to see what was wrong with our macerator pump when Mary came by to get me for a walk – we couldn’t get the macerator working to pump out the holding tank on our trip across. It looks like the bolts or something got sheared so we’re going to have to try and find a pump out station until we can get a replacement.

We found a heliport out on the rock jetty, which was unexpected. I got a picture of Mary twirling in the center of it! Touchdown! When we finished our jaunt out to look at the breaking waves, we couldn’t find Wayne or Axel on either of our boats. They were both over at Blue Pearl checking out the weather and charts to see when a good time to leave here would be. We went over the options, and then looked at Glen & Pam’s videos on their blog – very cool! I’ve got to see if I can find a video editor and download Picasa – it looks like a neat program.

We shared some snacks and wine – chips, salsa, cheese, olives, crackers, tuna, nuts, etc… and it looks like if the weather dies down from those gale winds we’ll try and put in to the Lucayan Canal tomorrow. It’s about 33 miles from here and looks protected. We did find a macerator pump in Freeport that we might be able to pick up if we can get a cab into town. We’ll see. It’s double the price that we’d get it for in the states. Yikes!

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