Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

A time for reflection of those we love. A time for remembrance of days and Christmas's past. A time for living in the present and dreaming of the future. But still... for living in the present.  The best gift you can give yourself, and give to others is to LIVE your life and allow others to live theirs. Don't feel guilt for what you have, or what you don't. Don't feel guilt for who you are or who you are not. Live your life the best that you can. Don't be a tourist in your own life. Don't wait until its to late. You don't always get that second or third chance. Live your life. It's what you're supposed to do. For those I've hurt, I'm truly sorry. I've never meant to purposefully hurt a living soul and if I did, it was never my intention. Hurt and hatred can hold you back. Get on with your life. Love life. Love those in your life. You're really the only person that holds you back from living your life. Don't begrudge yourself or others of a life. Give yourself the gift of life. That's what Christmas is after all... a gift of life.

Merry Christmas to all the people I love or ever have loved. Merry Christmas. Pass it on...

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