Wow, November already…
Rainy, drizzly day out today. My bread dough rose fairly well, so my bread making is still good to go! After I punched the dough down and transferred it to bread pans to let rise again, I headed to the marina lounge. I worked on getting Outlook Express operating on Wayne’s computer while Wayne tried to figure out the plumbing on the boat. He didn’t have much luck other than figuring out the plumbing looks like a god-awful mess (his quote). After I got back onboard I finished making the bread. I don't think there's anything better than the smell of freshly baking bread & we ended up just having bread for dinner. Not a well-balanced meal day, but tasty – especially on a chilly day. While polishing off Janet Evanovich’s book 9 in the Stephanie Plum series I was wishing I remembered where I stashed the peanut butter while unpacking. Bet that would go good on the warm, homemade bread I was munching on.
Monday, November 02, 2009
We still don’t have all the parts in and later in the day got some more bad news. The propeller shaft is worn down where it hits the cutlass bearing so even with a new cutlass bearing there would still be wobble. So we now are waiting for a new propeller shaft too. Mo money… but at least its only 3 ft. long - so not as costly as some others. It looks like we’re going to be here another week. I sure hope we get south farther before the snow starts flying. It’s been cold again at nights and our heater is now… not working… Wonder if they’d notice a witch sleeping on the couch in the lounge.
We ran to the hardware store to find parts for the foot pump for Wayne’s plumbing job but after searching around awhile, decided he didn’t have the diameter of the tubing on the boat so we nixed that and went and got another load of water at fire station and came back to the boat.
Made chicken & stuffing with some green beans for dinner now for some more reading – “Ten Big Ones” and Wayne’s on Number Nine of the Plum series. It’s funny to hear him chuckle so much.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Christine and Jim are going into the water bright and early tomorrow. Time for them to get rid of extra stuff they don’t need. We took a boat hook they were pitching and it was a shame we couldn’t have used one of the 3 anchors they were getting rid of – they looked in pretty good shape.
I heated up last night’s spaghetti and sautéed some mushrooms in butter and wine to go with it along with some broccoli spears. It’s getting dark earlier and with the time change, that makes it worse. Time to polish off book eleven in the Stephanie Plum series.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Happy Birthday Penelope! We’re still at the boat yard.
Waiting and finding more work to do on the boat every time we look somewhere
There are gales expected for tonight and tomorrow but they’re hanging out until Saturday on the docks.
Back at the boat, I tried unsuccessfully to work on the DNS settings again while Wayne napped. I think Wayne is starting to feel poorly – hope it’s not the flu. It seems to have hit Virginia pretty hard.
The internet/broadband connection wasn’t very good and I finally got frustrated and packed up my computer to the marina lounge to work. Thought I was making good progress – it was nice and quiet until a family of kids came in and turned up the T.V. and then I lost track of where I was with the CNAME/ANAME and other settings. Somehow I ended up directing everyone from my website to some Spam page that said “YOU WON…Pick your prize”… needless to say I deleted all the work once again and reset all my settings back to the original ones (I hope).
I was going to do some laundry, but Christine came in and after a discussion I found out the laundry machine was broken. She was going to head into Gloucester for laundry since she wouldn’t be able to do it in Norfolk.
Heading back to the boat I ran into the guy that handles the boat yard stuff and he told me that our parts wouldn’t be in until Monday. He also said I should check out the oyster festival in Urbana this Friday and Saturday since we were still going to be here. He said it’s a big to do here and they get 30-40,000 people that show up for it. They have fritters, patties, stews, and every other way imaginable to serve oysters. I didn’t have the heart to tell him I’m not overly fond of oysters. He was talking about going there after work tomorrow. I’m just exasperated that the parts still aren’t in. He said the guy that works on this stuff is usually pretty good at getting things to the boatyard and didn’t understand what the holdup is. After listening to the guy at Walden’s Marina talking about all his guys being in Urbana today and tomorrow, I think I know what the problem is – oysters.
Came back to the boat and gave Wayne the bad news. He was laying on the floor in the dark looking under the sink trying to connect the foot pump to a hole he drilled under the cabinet.
Gin and tonic for him and I swept up the wood shavings and made dinner – chicken, stuffing, broccoli and carrots. Hey maybe we can rent a car and explore some of Virginia since we’re going to be stuck here… Wayne agreed that we should get a car if they had weekend specials and Enterprise does so we reserved one for the weekend. They’ll pick us up around 11 tomorrow and we return it on Monday by noon o’clock. $23.85/day will let us do a tour of the surrounding area in Virginia.
Friday, November 6, 2009
I got up & made coffee before light, then went down to the shower for a quick clean up and called Enterprise to see if they could pick us up. Joe and John came by this morning around 8am to move the boats around to get Mistral out from the back so they moved us across near the trees and closer to the power outlet. It’s more of a shaded location but we get the afternoon sun to help warm us up before nightfall. Picture to the right is Joe directing John into place at our new location.
Enterprise said they’d be here around 10:00 but when they got here, there was no room for us and we had to wait until 11:00 am. When we got into Gloucester, Enterprise printed out a map for us to get to Williamsburg, Yorktown, etc… Then we went to Walmart for odds and ends. I got a small heater and toaster for when we’re in port. The little heater seems to be working okay. It doesn’t put out much, but maybe it will keep the dampness and cold to a minimum in the boat. These 35-45 degree nights get a bit nippy without heat. I can’t believe that our heater decided to kick the bucket. We can’t figure out what’s wrong with it – the wires we trace seem okay. Can’t find the bloody fuses for it but with the smell of burning plastic and exhaust fumes the last time we ran it – I’m not sure what the problem is. Wayne will like his snuggies that the girls got him when he’s standing in the cold at the helm this year. There’ll be no running below for warmth. I think he’s starting to catch a cold – oh no… He’s coughing a lot and starting to get stuffy.
Saturday, November 07, 2009
Pretty looking day out. We decided to take a run into Norfolk today. We visited to Nauticus, the Battleship Wisconsin, took a tour of the Naval Yard and then went to Sam’s Club over at Newport News.
Nauticus is a contemporary museum along the waterfront that uses the setting of Norfolk's harbor to showcase global maritime commerce and the world's largest Navy. In a way it reminded me of Navy Pier. It had various exhibits, shops, and things to visit. They put on various programs, educational and entertaining, so there’s always something going on. We’ll have to return sometime and do some more exploring.
The yeoman that signed us in saw Michigan on our licenses and groaned “oh no – Michigan!” She was a buckeye and we went back and forth about MI vs OH State. She was fun and said don’t worry – I’m not the one running your tour. LOL
The Ships Crest
· Seven rays of sunlight signify the crown atop the Statue of Liberty and the seven seas.
· Central focus placed on the Twin Towers and the bow of the ship, forged from Twin Towers steel.
· Breastplate of the phoenix bears the colors of first responders from the New York Police Department, New York Fire Department, and Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.
· Blood drops represent the fallen.
· Three stars for those earned by the battleship USS NEW YORK (BB34) in World War II at Iwo Jima, Okinawa and North Africa.
Wayne was disappointed because he didn’t get to see any carriers up close and personal. It was an interesting tour to see the base from the land viewpoint. Last time we came by it was via water so we got a new perspective on it.
After the tour we went to Sam’s Club for batteries, chips, munchies, etc… then back to Deltaville. Brought home a rotisserie chicken from Sams for dinner. It was quite tasty with salad but Wayne just ate the chicken. I think he’s feeling worse today. Oh no – my glands are starting to feel swollen. Tomorrow’s a new day.
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